You can make appointments with Dr. Hoffmann for General Medicine, Internal Medicine, Hematology or Ultrasouds now directly with Doctoralia
Dr. Thomas Hoffmann
Dr. Patrick Welter
Your doctor´s team
on the Costa Blanca/ Spain
with consultations in Alicante, Benidorm, La Nucia, Calpe and Denia
But what does internist or internal medicine actually mean?, Here we take care of all problems of the "internal organs" such as thyroid, blood vessels (angiology), heart and lungs (cardiology and pulmonology), all abdominal organs such as liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, the stomach and intestinal tract (gastroenterology), kidneys, bladder or prostate (nephrology and urology), but also their metabolism such as diabetes or other metabolic disorders or other hormonal disorders (endocrinology) and also rheumatic problems (rheumatology). Furthermore, blood diseases of all kinds are a main focus of my work (hematology), be it anemia (lack of red blood cells) or a disorder of other blood components, in most cases a simple blood test is enough for us to recognise a slight and mostly harmless deviation of blood values at an early stage and to distinguish it from important and urgently treatable blood diseases and for this I also look into the microscope for you.
I studied human medicine at the University of Leipzig, Germany and subsequently completed my specialist training as a specialist in internal medicine and as a specialist in hematology/oncology at the University Hospital Jena / Thuringia and later also acquired the additional title of palliative medicine in Germany. Before moving to Spain, I worked for several years as a senior physician for internal medicine/ hematology/ oncology and palliative medicine at Klinikum Weimar/ Germany. From 2015 to 2021, I worked as an internist and hematologist at HCB Benidorm. In 2021, I successfully completed a master's degree in ultrasound diagnostics at the Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, so that I can also offer ultrasound examinations as an additional focus.
We offer you
Medical expertise
- Diagnosis and treatment of diseases from the entire spectrum of internal medicine with diabetology, hipertensiology, pneumology, cardiology, rheumatology, nephrology, gastroenterology, endocrinology and hematology.
- Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic pain conditions
- Consultations also for general medicine, medical check-ups in accordance with international guidelines, prescriptions and medical certificates, house calls
- Vaccinations, injections and infusions
- Special hematology consultations
- Ultrasound examinations of all organ systems
- Palliative medical treatment
- In-patient care of our patients in the hospital in the fields of internal medicine and hematology
Medical tests and procedures
- INR test
- ECG electrocardiogram,
- 24-hour long-term ECG Holter
- 24-hour blood pressure measurement
- Spirometry of the lungs - Pulmonary function diagnostics
- Ultrasound examinations of all organ systems including colour Doppler and duplex (eye, thyroid gland, cervical region, lymph nodes, salivary glands, vessels, thorax, abdomen, skin and musculoskeletal, joints, etc.)
- Special hematological diagnostics, hematological blood smears, bone marrow punctures and cytomorphological examinations
- Punctures and drains of pleural effusions and ascites (toracocentesis and paracentesis), organ biopsies
Our consultations
Clinica MEDIterranea Alicante
Avda. de la Estación, 20, entreplanta, 03005 Alicante, (in the CLINICA IBAÑEZ)
Contact: phone: (+34) 67275139
email to : [email protected]
Consultation hours : tuesdays and fridays from 17:00 to 20:00
Home visits daily
Clínica la Alegría Calpe
Dr. Hoffmann
Dr. Welter
Clínica LaAlegria Calpe, Avenida Valencia 17, 03710 Calpe.
Tuesday 9:30-14:00
Wednesday: 14:00 - 18.00
Friday: 09.30 - 14.00
Appointment via +34 965 831 336
Euro Clinica Rincón Benidorm
Dr. Hoffmann
Avenida Dr. Sévero Ochoa 6, 03503 Benidorm
Thursday: 10:00 - 13:00
(+34) 966 830 849 e-mail: info@euro
Policlinica La Nucia
Dr. Welter
[email protected] emergency: (+34) 667065379
mondays 14:00-18:00 wednesdays 09:00-12:00
Clinica La Nucia:
phone: 966873049
How you can get in touch with us
Clinica Mediterranea Alicante - Dr. Hoffmann
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